Dans une entrevue pour IGN.com, The Rock explique que John Cena a toujours été sa motivation première pour un éventuel retour à la WWE.
Il indique que ça fait depuis trois ans qu'il songe à rentrer au bercail. The Rock considère que pour avoir de l'impact, il fallait absolument un match avec Cena. Et c'est pour lui encore
le cas.
Pour The Rock, sa participation à "Wrestlemania" est en quelque sorte un beau rêve. C'est avec plaisir qu'il fera de son mieux devant les fans de la région de New York à
"You have to understand that my return back into the WWE was years in the making. And since I've been back, it's been a three year-long journey that started at WrestleMania 27
in Atlanta. So John has always been my first choice. Here's the thing. The question was that if I was going to go back in the WWE, how could I go back and make the most impact?
With who can I headline WrestleMania in that company and make the most impact? And the bottom line is that it continues to be John Cena."
"This scenario for me is one that I've honestly dreamed of. A dream match. And what I'm talking about is being able to go back to the WWE and give back to the business, which is
in my blood and has allowed me a platform to perform which then, twelve years ago, allowed me to make the transition to Hollywood. So the scenario I've dreamed of is that I'm
able to go back, become WWE Champion, go into what is considered the biggest marketplace in the world, which is the New York City area, at MetLife Stadium and headline
WrestleMania as champion and give back to the business, the fans, the company and their number one hero. So I couldn't have asked for a better scenario and we're going to have a